Thursday, June 23, 2011


We couldn't have done it without these people! 

Michelle- For stuffing all those beautiful NOTO gift bags with care.

Lindsey- For doing all the misc. tasks! . . . sidewalk chalk anyone?

Marylee- For putting on the director shoes, year after year!:) And Hannah- For becoming the NOTO "face":p

Robin- For not only providing gorgeous jewelry, but handing over her first born to model. - oh, and for providing the S. Pellegrino. 

Jakob (my husband)- For watching our kids. . . a lot!

Char & Erin- Our fashionable MC's!

MC Hair Consultants- Simply the best for hair and make-up. 

Carrie- The hostess with the mostess (having 160 fashion hungry folks breathing down your neck isn't an easy job). 

Mom-for making bows to cutting veggies. love you. 

The models- Caroline, Emily, Hannah, Katie, Kayli, Laurie, and Michelle. (Kayli. . .where are you?)

The vendors: Cookie Lee, Dogwood, KYEbags, Sarah's Laundry and What a Great Hat.You were all amazing and unique! Thanks!

And of course the attendees - there wouldn't be a show without YOU! 

NOTO is truly blessed with a group of ROCKSTARS! 

(My new bracelet from Cookie Lee)

For show coverage you can visit:

1 comment:

  1. show was beyond amazing lauren!! i will be in attendance every single year!! thanks for a great night!
