Thursday, September 13, 2012

Boutique Night- 1 wk. away!

Our Boutique night for Pawsibilities is ONE week away (9/20/12 6-8 pm.)! 

Shout it from the roof tops and let your animal loving friends know!
If this picture isn't reason enough. . .then let me entice you further. . read on. 

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Event details include :: 

First dibs on new fall styles! 
(here is a sneak peek picture of a lovely style that will be available for purchase that evening)

Plus your very own I Support Downtown Akron reusable bag (with purchase/while supplies last)!

A fun interactive NOTO photo shoot! Props included ;)

Animal themed drink specials upstairs at the Uncorked Wine Bar!

Music, discounts, . . . 

And of course doing your part to help The Humane Society of Greater Akron!

Tickets ($10- 100% donation to the cause!) available at the door!  
Hope to see you! 

Questions? Contact Lauren at 

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